How to Self-Publish Your Book: Step 9, Create Your Book Title

Now that you have your interior file (and had it proofread) and your cover file and have either purchased an ISBN or decided to use a free one, you can create your book title.

Regardless of which self-publishing company you decide to go with (e.g. Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, Blurb, Lulu, et al.) the basic procedures will be pretty similar.

  1. Create an account with the self-publishing company
  2. Create your title (which will include keywords and categories)
  3. Upload your files
  4. Preview your book
  5. Price your book
  6. Publish it.

Creating your book title in Amazon KDP (which we will use as an example) is just a matter for filling out forms, following visual cues and thinking about how people are going to find your book (i.e. keywords and categories).

By the way, “keywords” can be short phrases that people will actually type into a search box — e.g. “lined journal for women”; “daily journal with prompts” (without the quotes).

Here is the step-by-step procedure for creating a title in Amazon KDP…

Author: Michael Gorzka

Bridgeport Public Library Information Services Librarian

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