Basic Computer Knowledge: Graphical User Interfaces

This will be the first in a series of blog posts answering the oft asked and wondered question: “What is basic computer knowledge?

In this context, “computer” is sort of an umbrella term for computers, tablets, smartphones, supermarket self-checkouts, online services, et al.

The answer to this question has (for all practical purposes) been the same since 1983 with the introduction of the Apple Lisa computer which was one of the first commercially available computers to feature a graphical user interface.

(But the Apple Macintosh Computer introduced in late 1984 was much more successful.)

In a nutshell 🐿️, regardless of which computer or device you are using, you need to be able to interact with a graphical user interface.

If you need to answer the “What is basic computer knowledge” question with a single sentence that would be it.

In subsequent blog posts, we will explore basic computer knowledge in a bit more depth but interacting with a graphical user interface (in some way) is what it all comes down to.


graph·i·cal us·er in·ter·face

noun: GUI; plural noun: GUIs
a visual way of interacting with a computer using items such as windows, icons, and menus.

Oxford Languages

I typically use abstract examples when working with “technology shy” adults because graphical user interfaces, regardless of cosmetic appearance all have the same things.

Regardless of which brand or type of computer or mobile device you are using, you are going to see icons, menus, search boxes, and background graphics and that’s pretty much it.

Abstract computer desktop showing icons, menus & a nifty background “wallpaper”

And once again, regardless of which computer or mobile device or online service you are using, your modus operandi during technology use will be:

Think about what you want to do and then look around for a way to do it.

A woman finds the goods she is looking for using a self-service device in a hardware store
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