Don’t Be Sisyphus

In the Greek myth of Sisyphus, the title character was a king cursed by Zeus to forever roll a boulder up a hill in the depths of Hades, only to always have it roll back down.

This is not an activity you want to engage in!

The formula for successful contemporary technology use is roughly 90% emotional stability & mental acuity and 10% using the technology basics:

The technology basics are all very easy to learn and to master but they must be employed with thought and intention.

They are simply your blunt instruments that you will use to reach a clearly defined goal.

Why ask why?

Your Tech Help Tour Guide has worked with many people over the years who simply would not let themselves be done with a computer-related project.

For example, they would agonize over why a particular application or online service did not work as expected or looked different at an earlier date.

Having clear objectives can help you avoid the “Sisyphus Syndrome”

If their project had been completed… If they had accomplished what they set out to do, I would simply state that sometimes things are what they are.

In a nutshell: When your clearly defined objective has been realized, when you have hit your target, when you have reached your goal, stick a fork in your project and then move on.

Project completed! Good job!

Author: Michael Gorzka

Bridgeport Public Library Information Services Librarian

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